About Us
Following in the steps of giants
Foot Soldiers Park exists to honor the giants and unsung heroes and sheroes of the civil rights movement who lived, fought, and made history in Selma and to inspire, educate, and nurture the next generation of social justice activists.
A legacy of triumphs and unresolved challenges
Despite its historical significance in shaping the very fabric of this country, Selma is still struggling to overcome generations of institutional racism and overall neglect:
- 84%of Selma is Black American
- 41%of residents live in poverty
- 30%are suffering from food insecurity
- 27kis the average income in the city
Building a bridge between Selma’s historic activism and the ongoing fight for freedom
Our mission
Foot Soldiers Park is on a mission to preserve and memorialize the Civil Rights history of Selma, bring economic and cultural revitalization to the city and its residents, and prepare the next generation of activists to continue the fight against racial injustice and voter suppression.
Our vision
We aim to improve the wellbeing of Selma’s underserved residents by bringing economic opportunities to the city and developing amenities, resources, and programs that benefit the community.
Our Approach
Valuing the collective wisdom of the community
Our commitment to community engagement is at the core of everything we do. As part of that commitment, we bring together our community and facilitate visioning sessions where Selma residents share their aspirations, insights, and desires for our programs. As a community-driven organization, our approach is not to impose solutions, but to co-create them and genuinely respond to the needs of the community by:
- Practicing active listening and learning
- Intentionally nurturing and creating conditions for youth leadership
- Consistently preserving the history
- Actively participating in building civic infrastructure and economic empowerment

When people hear ‘Foot Soldiers Park’, I want them to think about liberation and joy.
Donovan Duncan, FSP Board Chair
Our supporters fuel our mission
Find out what they’re saying about Foot Soldiers Park.
Every time I get in the room with Miss Jo Ann Bland or any of the other foot soldiers, and they are reflecting on their lived experiences, my mind is blown, and my heart is just bursting with gratitude.
Jha’D Amazi,
MASS Design Group
This project has a real opportunity to just be catalysts that can start revitalizing this neighborhood and really tell the rich history of this incredibly important space of the country’s history.
Bethel Abate,
MASS Design Group