make a tax-deductible donation to foot soldiers park

Your gift will help us bring our vision to life.


We gratefully accept checks payable to “Foot Soldiers Park INC.” at the following address:

519 Church St.
Selma, AL 36701

To receive your tax deductible receipt, please include your first and last name and your email or street address.

Start a Fundraiser

Increase your impact and increase awareness of the work of Foot Soldiers Park through a peer-to-peer fundraiser! Get started here or contact us to share your big idea: info@footsoldierspark.org

Foot Soldiers Park INC. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (EIN 86-1479452). Your donation to Foot Soldiers Park is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record of your donation. We'll send it to you once we have successfully processed your payment.