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Supreme Court OKs Racial Gerrymandering in South Carolina

News Voting Rights
Supreme Court building

In 2023, three federal judges determined that South Carolina’s gerrymandered First Congressional District voting map was racially motivated and constituted a “bleaching of African American voters” from the district.

The revised map moved more than two-thirds of Black Charlestonians out of the county. Now, the conservative-leaning Supreme Court has decided that the voting map can remain in place. This decision will help normalize racial gerrymandering and make it harder for voting maps to be challenged in the court of law.

Since 2010, the Supreme Court’s decisions have steadily eroded free and fair elections in this country:

It’s easy to feel helpless in the face of these assaults on our electoral system. But every opportunity we have to cast our vote is an opportunity to elect justices and other officials who are committed to upholding our democracy.